As summer approaches, so does the breaking-and-entering season! Count yourself lucky if you haven’t experienced it before. During the summer months, there is usually is an increase of about 32% in break-ins.

However, you should not fret and this should not be the reason for you to cancel your travel plans. Here are tips to help you maneuver through and enjoy your vacation to the full.

Burglars, Nobody’s Home

Remember how you notice when your neighbour is leaving and their home is empty for a few days? Criminals are likely to use the exact same signals as you did to carry out their break-in approach.

Have you ever asked someone you know to pick up the mail for you or given them your keys so they may water your plants? Perhaps you left the key underneath the doormat so they could open the door and leave the mail inside? Those days are long gone!

The hidden location for your keys could not be as hidden as you thought. But, with a smart lock and a smart door system, you can make it more difficult for crooks to enter your property. Simply give the person assisting you a temporary code and replace it once you return from your trip. By doing so, you can have convenience without sacrificing security.

House With a Ghost?

No, we’re not talking about making your house haunted here. Instead, we’re talking about TELUS Home Security, an app that does exceptional security systems in your house. It allows you to monitor your home remotely, receive real-time notifications, and even control your security cameras and electronic devices from anywhere in the world.

With a touch of a “vacation scene,” the app can switch on the smart lights by 8 pm and also power on the smart plug to start playing music. Additionally, it will also turn off the devices when sleeping time approaches. Isn’t this wonderful? You can actually test the app before you leave and watch as it does its magic.

Burglars, I’m Watching You

You can in fact monitor everything that happens in your residence with a smart security system. Using such a system, you will never have to return home to an empty house.

Smart surveillance cameras, sensors, and detectors, combined with a simple alarm system, will keep a keen eye on your home and alert any suspicious activity directly and right away to your smartphone. These provide you with complete control over your system and everything you need is only a button press away.

Whether you’re on vacation or just away for the day, this comprehensive solution keeps your house secure and allows you to manage it remotely.

Want Some Savings for Your Next Holiday?

Who does not like a vacation?  Any amount of money saved is essential in helping you achieve your summer holiday goals. Insurance companies will offer up to 20% annual premium bonus when you install a security system with TELUS. This is a significant amount that can be added to your summer holiday fun budget.

Maybe you can use these savings to buy a new bathing suit, a backpack, or a decent cooler for your picnics. Basically, you can do much more with the savings from this bonus and do what you have not accomplished in the previous summer holidays.

Furthermore, you will enjoy the experience knowing very well that your home and valuables are all safe. Isn’t peace of mind all that matters during a vacation?

The Takeaway

The power to outsmart burglars is within you. Yes, by following this easy guideline and equipping your home with a high-tech TELUS Smarthome Security System, you can be sure to enjoy your summer and concentrate on fun because peace of mind is assured. You can also go through our blog to learn more about our smart products and the wide range of services that we give our customers. Enjoy an unmatched safe and secure summer with us!

Personal, Business and TELUS EPP customers can now get a special discount. Contact our sales specialist to learn more about Smart Home Security System from TELUS.