We wonder if you would keep your front doors unlocked at night. Most people would not even think of driving with no car insurance coverage, either. People take good care of their physical assets and valuables, but most of us take our online security for granted. As more people started working from the comfort of their homes, it became clear just how bad the state of cyber security of most internet users is.

This is where TELUS Online Security comes in. It does not matter whether you are taking distance-learning classes, shopping online, or working remotely. After all, this tool is here to offer every single one of us all-in-one protection that will keep our loved ones and us safe on the internet at all times.

Here are the ways that TELUS Online Security keeps us safe on the internet:

  • Protecting Devices from Threats

With more people working from home, video calls have become a daily part of our lives. We have also started to stream entertainment and conduct our shopping online more than we used to. These things have all become so routine to us, but we might have forgotten to secure these transactions and activities.

It is a good thing that TELUS Online Security offers real-time protection for all devices. This will keep your phones, tablets, and computers safe from viruses, malware, spyware, and the like. It monitors and blocks suspicious traffic to keep your information safe on the internet.

  • Securing Private Information

With the increase in internet usage, cybercriminal activity has also gone up. It is essential to keep an eye on the private information that you share online for this reason. We hardly realize just how much sensitive information we put on the internet!

Norton Secure VPN is helpful since it lets you browse the internet anonymously and securely. We are glad that it is a part of the TELUS Online Security service since it keeps our bank details, credit card numbers, and passwords away from the hands of criminals.

  • Dark Web Monitoring

It is scary to think that strangers are using our information for malicious purposes. Unfortunately, it happens more often than most people think. Identity theft is a serious matter, but what happens when you have not protected yourself enough?

TELUS Online Security comes with a feature called Dark Web Monitoring. It works by scouring the dark web for any of your information. If it ever finds anything relevant, you will be notified.

  • Personal Expense Reimbursement

But what happens once you find out that you are a victim of identity theft? It is difficult to know where to start on your own. There is no need to worry about this with the help of TELUS Online Security.

The tool helps you by protecting your financial and personal information after the breach. An Identity Restoration Specialist will be assigned to walk you through the process if this ever happens. It is also good to know that you will be covered for Personal Expense Reimbursement and Coverage for Lawyers and Experts. The specific amount depends on the plan subscription, but the included maximum coverage ranges from $25,000 to $1 million.


Many people do not bother with cyber security until they have already been victimized. But as the old adage goes, prevention is always better than cure. It is much better to cover all your bases before anything bad happens. TELUS Online Security will protect you and your loved ones from all kinds of online threats. With three available plan options, you will surely find something that suits your needs and preferences.

The internet is an amazing resource that offers different educational, recreational, and career opportunities. While the possibilities are endless online, criminals are lurking everywhere. Cyber threats might sound daunting, but cyber security tools like TELUS Online Security will help you surf the internet without anything to worry about.

For more information, contact Andres Wireless Sales Consultant